(This is not a recommended module installation method)
Installing the Cart2Quote Developer edition module in your webroot/app/code/Cart2Quote directory is common practice. There are a number of reasons why you might need to install our encoded modules in this directory, the main one being Composer related issues. This manual will guide you through the steps required to install the encoded module in in the webroot/app/code/Cart2Quote directory.
This applies to the Free, Lite, Starter, Business and Enterprise Cart2Quote module editions.
The Cart2Quote Quotation module depends on three entities: Cart2Quote_Quotation, Cart2Quote_Features and Cart2Quote_License. Each of these are separate modules.
You can download these module source files here:
Step 1: Extract each compressed file.
Step 2: Rename each of the three extracted modules.
Each module which you have received is most likely still in its original format. The three module names are:
* cart2quote-module-quotation
* cart2quote-module-features
* cart2quote-module-license
These should be renamed: Quotation, Features and License respectively.
Step 3: Create 'Cart2Quote' directory.
If the webroot/app/code/Cart2Quote directory does not exist on your server - create it.
Step 4: Add the modules to the Vendor directory.
Place each of the renamed modules (Quotation, Features, License) in the newly created webroot/app/code/Cart2Quote directory.
Your file structure should resemble the below example at this point:
Step 5: Enable the module(s)
Your module will be enabled by default after installation, but if you wish to make sure; open your terminal and navigate to your Magento root directory. From your root directory execute:
php bin/magento module:enable Cart2Quote_Quotation --clear-static-content
php bin/magento module:enable Cart2Quote_AutoProposal --clear-static-content
Step 6: Clear the Cache
To avoid errors, clean the cache before your proceed. Magento 2.1.x:
rm -rf var/generation/* var/cache/* pub/static/frontend/* pub/static/adminhtml/* var/page_cache/* var/di/* var/di
If you're on Magento 2.2.x or higher run the following command:
rm -rf generated/code* generated/metadata/* pub/static/* var/cache* var/page_cache/* var/page_cache/* var/view_preprocessed/*
Step 7: Execute your database scripts
To make sure all setup scripts are executed, run the following command in your terminal's Magento root directory:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step 8: Compile dependency injection
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
(Note: This can take a couple of minutes and it can use a lot of memory, make sure to set max_execution_time = 600 and memory_limit = 512M. The last line should look like this: Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.)
Step 9: Static content deploy
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
(Note: This can take a couple of minutes, make sure that PHP has enough execution time in CLI, otherwise your design breaks. The last line should look like this: New version of deployed files: 1457687534)
Step 10: Reindex data
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
After this step, Cart2Quote is successfully installed. Please find steps for configuring Cart2Quote below.
Need to test whether you have installed the module correctly? See here for more information.